How often will I be charged?
There are two choices – once a month or once a year. Due to the credit card transaction fees, it would not be prudent to charge your credit card daily. Dollar-a-Day of Raritan Valley will be your messenger and distribute your dollar on a daily basis whether you are charged monthly or annually.
Can I dedicate my donation in memory or honor of someone or an event?
When you sign up there is an optional space for that purpose . If it is in honor of or a gift for a loved one, you can also request that you both receive our daily (or weekly) emails as a reminder of your gift to them. We can also write an email on your behalf informing them about your donation.
Is there a Board of Directors?
Yes, the Board of Directors are comprised of representatives of the synagogues, who are members of the Vaad of Raritan Valley.
The primary role of the the Board is to select the charities that are recipients of these funds. The Board will manage the activities of the organization.
Can I give more than $1 each day?
Of course! Currently $1 a day is the lowest amount we can take. Most people give $1 a day, but many give $1 a day for additional family members or even on behalf of someone who is sick or in memory of a deceased family member or friend.
How much of the money raised goes to the actual charities?
One hundred percent. We are committed to seeing your full daily dollar support a worthy cause. Therefore, a small surcharge to cover the credit card transaction fees and any other fees to maintain the Web site has been added to your donation to ensure that your full dollar goes to charity.
How do I receive a tax-deductible receipt?
Tax receipts will be sent out in January/February for the previous tax year.
Can I donate if I live outside the United States?
Yes. We use a payment platform which will convert your payment to USD no matter where you are.
Can I change from monthly to annually or vice versa after I already signed up to be a donor?
Yes, we will be happy to make those changes for you. You can reach out to us using the contact page on our website.
If we are automatically giving a dollar every day, what happens on Shabbos or Holidays?
A dollar will be given for each day of the week but will not be processed or given on Shabbos. All funds will be distributed on Fridays before Shabbos and Saturdays after Shabbos.
When a holiday is 2-3 days, the funds will be distributed either before or after the holiday for those days.
I already give lots of charity on a regular basis - sometimes daily. Does this endeavor still apply to me?
Of course! We are certain that many of our enrollees already give a lot of charity, and are already giving to the needy in their communities. The beauty of Dollar-a-Day of Raritan Valley is that your dollar automatically combines with your friend’s, your neighbor’s, and so many other members of the local Raritan Valley community to become, G-d willing, hundreds of dollars, all given to one cause each day. The power of your dollar, and the good that you can do by giving a dollar a day, goes far beyond what would be collected and donated by a tzedakah box. There is no limit to giving charity. Combining all of our contributions has the potential to make a huge community wide impact.
What if I am not familiar with these organizations?
We expect and hope to have hundreds of people join Dollar-a-Day of Raritan Valley. It is impossible to pick charities that all of our participants will be completely familiar with. Feel free to review our list of charities in order to learn more about them. We are confident that you will be impressed with each one and with its unique mission. Whether your passion is helping the infirm, strengthening religious life, or feeding the hungry, all of our selected charities are worthy causes, and all need our collective help. We hope that our diverse list may broaden our participants’ scope of interest to areas of chesed that may not currently be their priority but could become one.
Please note that the charities to which we are dedicating our efforts and dollars have, and must, meet the following criteria:
They must be a 501(c)(3) certified non-profit organization.
They must serve the Raritan Valley Community.
How can I get my organization to become a beneficiary of Dollar-a-Day of Raritan Valley?
You can apply. Please send us a one-page description of the charity and why you think it fits in the mix of other Dollar-a-Day of Raritan Valley charities. Please explain how that charity would share Dollar-a-Day of Raritan Valley with its own community members. We will add new organizations each year and will reach out to those qualified when the time comes. Thank you for your understanding.